Fairy tail

Fairy tail is one of the famous and knowing Anime.
Genre: Adventure, fantasy
Fairy tail consists of total 328 epsiodes which is divided into 3 season and first season have 175 epsiodes, second have 102 epsiodes and last season consists 51 epsiodes apart from it have 3 movies and OVA epsiode which are 1st OVA season have 6 epsiodes, 2nd has 1 only and last one have 3. This OVA are lil kinky stuff.
Fairy tail is anime about wizards and it's is one of the most famous and powerfull guild in whole country apart that they are famous for distruction of properties while doing their job.
This start with a girl name Lucy traveling to join a guild where she meet Nastu who is a famous but less people see him and Nastu is on a way to find his dad who is a dragon. Nastu is a dragon Slayer ( a person who have power to kill dragons) and this story start.
Main story start with searching of dragon and whole anime end on killing dragon king.
In every arc of story the Villain are connected with the last main villain. 
At end mostly every character is connected with each other indirectly.
This is a anime about love, friendship and trust in each other.
In this anime I learnt that you never forgot you love if it's hurt you so badly, ever it take everything from you. At end things remain safe. That loves always come up.
I like the last episode everyone get someone.
I noticed one thing in this anime that history repeats itself as that every character get into same situation in every arcs of this anime. 
As Lucy hurted or kidnapped by the villians where as Erza tortured by the villians.
Overall it's a pretty good anime to watch and I loved watching it. 
It's have so much things. I recommend you to watch it, you will find it worth of watching.


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