Shadows House
Shadows House consist of 13 epsiodes of 23 minutes Genre : Seinen , Slice of Life , Supernatural and Mystry Faceless shadow nobles living in a vast mansion, attended by living dolls who spend much of their time cleaning up the soot endlessly emitted by their mysterious masters. Follow the story of Emilyko, a young and cheerful living doll, as she learns her duties serving as the attendant for Kate Shadow-sama. About shadows House This anime start with a mansion where you see shadows and then a train come from which they get excited. Later few kids are shown and they drink sometime and pledge their loyalty. Then a girl shown who is wake up in her bed which is like a doll bed. After awaking her room has a table, chair, a window from her food come and lots of paper on walk like description of doll. For them the grandfather makes the living doll which come for the service for the shadow masters. She get ready and let the room after just taking a bit from her food. She reach to a...