psycho-pass 3

As you seen my review one psycho Pass then you now the plot but this season is different then both of them totally focus of new character, new place and new name of department. Each epsiodes in this season is about 45 minutes
Genre: Action , crime , Psychological , Sci-Fi, thiller and cyberpunk.

Remember the 2nd inspector now she is the chief of this department ans she have a interesting character in this season (funny side). Akane is jail (don't know and anime end before. I think they will tell in next season). And other characters if pervious anime are seen in some epsiodes but they are work for other department. The main enforceor from season 1 always seen in this season and it's work for the same department of pervious characters. They read hair boy  and computer enforceor are work in this department. 
Two new inspector are appointed and they both work on the immigrate plan crashed where they found out that it's is happen to kill one person and they are successful. The reason to kill this man become he know the secret of a company. They found the culprits. Where they know about group called Fox. Lately they find similar case which is also related to this but this case is about politics and terrorism. One of the inspector is ex-military man and other is mentalist having specialty to live any scenario with that person prospective. They are related with each other you going to know when you watch it and their relationship are unique and reason why they are inspector. By the way they both are recommended by pervious characters.
Then there is another case in which a suicide bomber get into the stage where country governor was perents. After solving this case this anime end. 
In between all this case a mystery group bis known as bifrost (almost in 6 or 7 epsiode) they have their own system in which top members are called congress men, then inspector and  last tier people called FOX.
In end of this season one of the inspector end up joining them. A gap come between them because during last case of this season one of the inspector wife is endup in enemy hand. When that case ended his wife get clouded and end up in rehabe.
To take out his wife from rehabe he join the villians and other hand 2ns inspector request governor to free hus friend's wife. Both of them thinking that because of them she is out now.
By the way there is some chemistry between governor and that inspector.
At end they show Akane and that 1st season enforceor talking and season get ended.
In starting this anime is just full of questions because of new character, plot and seeing other characters in different places but lately you dissolve with story. I hate why story end in between because you have to wait for 2 years for story to complete.
Cases summary:
1. Case : immigrate plan clash
2. Case  : doctor suicide or murder (related to who candidate for election)
3. Case :  suicide bombers and his relationship religion group
This anime is about love, friendship and trust. 
How things change within seconds.

They are always planning, plotting and other things which crime and cyberpunk anime should have.
I really like this anime. Waiting for next season. Hopefully It will be aired soon.
I will recommend it.


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